No Escaping the Event Horizon

Name: 'No escaping the event horizon'
Medium: Water Colour Paint & Indian Ink on Archival Paper
Image Size: Oval: 63.5cm on long side x 41.5cm on short side
About the painting
Giant blue torus/donut made of overlapping fish.
3D effect is stunning on the wall. Original painting by artist Kiri Jones, Watercolour and Indian ink.
This artwork was a real challenge. I really wanted to create an object that was round, smooth and three dimensional out of these tiny Inanga.
I wanted the viewer to be able to feel the movement in the painting.
I named the artwork ‘No escaping the event horizon’ because this shape reminds me of the images we see of black holes in space from NASA. Once you get beyond the point of the event horizon you cannot escape a black hole.
Inanga certainly face major challenges swimming upstream, from the sea to fresh water wetlands, trying to reach their spawning grounds. If the current is running too fast and if there is nothing to take refuge behind then they can’t get upstream. I imagine it must feel a bit like escaping the gravitational pull of a black hole! It's also the inevitable ending from the effect an available donut has on me.
My art is about colour, nature and pattern. 'No escaping the event horizon' is part of a series called 'Inanga' based on our native New Zealand Inanga.

A close up:​
I have a couple of paintings from this series left, if you want to find out more about buying one, please contact me for more information